

  • Group: a generic group where is a set and is a binary operation.
  • FiniteGroup: a group with finite elements defined using Finite trait
  • AbelianGroup: group with commutative operation
  • FiniteCyclicGroup: a finite group with a generator.


Group represents a group with finite elements. It defines a binary operation on the set of elements of the group.

  • IDENTITY: The identity element of the group.
  • inverse(&self) -> Self: inverse of the element.
  • operation(a: &Self, b: &Self) -> Self: the operation of the group.
  • scalar_mul(&self, scalar: &Self::Scalar): multiplication of the element by a scalar.


The structs that implement these traits are

  • MultiplicativePrimeGroup


The MultiplicativePrimeGroup struct is a wrapper around a usize that defines for a prime power with binary operation as :

pub struct MultiplicativePrimeGroup<const P: usize, const K: usize>(usize);

It uses compile time assertions to check that is prime.


Symmetric Group example showcases how Group trait is implemented for any struct.